Sunday, May 14, 2006

KokMovie Watched List (導編)

                                                               導Dir:               編Scpt:

老夫子      Old Master Q             1975         李鐵/ 許強

地獄無門   We're Going to Eat You 1980         徐克                   Roy Szeto Wai-Cheuk

波牛          The Campions           1983         袁振洋              袁振洋/ Louis SIT Chi-Hung

龍少爺      Dragon Lord               1982         成龍                  黄炳耀/成龍/ 鄧景生

龍的心      Heart of Dragon          1985         洪金寶              黄炳耀

童黨         Gangs                       1988         劉國昌              陳文強

力王          Story of Ricky            1992         藍乃才              藍乃才

倩女幽魂   Chinese Ghost Story    1987         程小東               院繼志

人間道      Chinese Ghost Story II         1990         程小東              梁耀明/林紀陶 /劉大木

2人三足     Time 4 Hope              2002         趙崇基              院繼志

野獸刑警   Beastcops                 1998          陳嘉上              陳嘉上/陳慶嘉

幽靈人間   Visible Secret            2001          許鞍華              鄺文偉

鬼味人間   Visible Secret II         2002          鄺文偉              鄺文偉

一碌蔗      Just One Look           2002          葉錦鴻              葉錦鴻

藍色大門   Blue Gate Crossing    2002          易智言              易智言

三更          Three                        2002         金知雲/ Nimibutr Nonzee/陳可辛

三更2之餃子     Dumplings         2004          陳果                  李碧華

A-1頭條     A1-Headline               2004         陳嘉上               鍾繼昌

走火槍      The Runaway Pistol   2004          林華全              林華全

黑白戰場   Colour of the Loyalty  2005          王晶                  王晶/鍾少雄

神經俠侶   City n' the City           2005         阮世生               阮世生     

長恨歌     Everlasting Regret      2005         關錦鵬             

大件事      Breaking News          2004          杜琪峰              陳慶嘉/葉天成

黑社會      Election                    2005         杜琪峰              游乃海

黑社會II以和為貴 Election II      2006         杜琪峰              游乃海

情義我心知 Moonlight in Tokyo   2006         麥兆輝/莊文強     麥/莊  

黑澤明的信息-美好的電影 Message from Akira for Beautiful Movies

NANA                                       2005         大谷健太郎Kentaro Otani

The Blue Angel          藍天使              1930         Josef von Sternberg              Karl Vollmoeller/Carl Zuckmayer

Spartacus                  風雲群英會         1960         Stanley Kubrick         Dalton Trumbo

The Young Girls of Rochefort  柳媚花嬌     1967          Jacques Demy           J.D.

Wings of Desire         柏林蒼穹下        1987          Wim Wenders           W.W.

Barton Fink               才子夢驚魂        1991         Joel Coen                  Coen Bros

Brazil                        妙想天開            1985         Terry Gilliam              T.G.

Ed Wood                   艾活傳              1994         Tim Burton                T.B.

Nobody Loves Me      情來自有方        1994         Doris Dörrie               D.D.

Everyone Says I Love You        為你唱情歌         1996         Woody Allen              W.W.

The Funeral               江湖白事           1996         Abel Ferrara              Nicholas St.John

The Miracle of Bern    愛的12 瑪         2003         Sonke Wortmann       Rochus Hahn

Ripley's Game           心計遊戲           2002          Liliana Cavani            L.C.

Iris                           愛莉思的情書     2001         Richard Eyre              Charles Wood

Will Watch Soon...

Way of the Gun         黑色綁架事件     2000         Christopher McQuarrie     C.M.

Jules & Jim               祖與占              1961          Francois Truffaut        Jean Gruault

The Laramie Project 同志少年殺人事件   2001         Moises Kaufman        M.K.

Nixon                        驚世謊言 -尼克遜   1995         Oliver Stone               O.S.

The Big Kahuna         三個男人一個Show 1999                John Swanbeck         Roger Rueff

Irreversible         無可挽回            2002         Gaspar Noe               G.N.

Paranoid                   禁室迷情夜         2000         John Duigan              J.D.

American Beauty       美麗有罪           1999         Sam Mendes             Alan Ball

Angela's Ashes          天使的孩子        1999         Alan Parker               Laura Jones/Frank McCourt

Dead Man Walking    死囚168 小時    1995         Tim Robbins              T.R.

Night Falls on Manhatton 夜襲曼克頓       1997         Sidney Lumet            S.L.

The Monster              猥瑣創世記        1994         Roberto Benigni         R.B.

The Hours                 此時, 此刻          2002         Stephen Daldry          David Hare

Small Time Crooks    貧賤夫妻百事吉 2000 Woody Allen               W.A.

涉谷24小時 Bounce ko Gals     1997         原田真人

等救火的日子Quiet Days of Firemen 1994         竹中直人

小孤星馬高   Marco                                  宮崎駿      Hayao Miyazaki

六樓後座   Truth or Dare             2004          黄真真              黄真真/鄭丹瑞/ 張帆

雙瞳          Double Vision    (tw)    2002         陳國富                   蘇照彬/陳國富

The Inheritors            農莊風雲(Austria)         1998         Stefan Ruzowitzky     S.R.

Grosse Fatigue          累得要命 (fr)      1994          Michel Blanc             M.B.

Rain Man                  手足情未了        1988          Barry Levinson           B.L.

A judgment in Stone 冷酷祭典 (La Cérémonie) - 分場ex.

Homework from 陳嘉上, he said: While you're trying to remember the scene (分場) of a movie that u really dig, it'll transform to some sort of potential materials in your memory.

A judgment in Stone 冷酷祭典 (La Cérémonie) 1995 France/Germany
Director/Screenwriter: Claude Chabrol Genre: Crime Drama
Watch the film on 6 May 2006, BC Cinema

Character Maid: Sophie [Sandrine Bonnaire]
Post-officer: Jeanne [Isabelle Huppert]
Family - Mum Catherine, Dad, Daughter Melinda, Young Son

1/ Time: Afternoon Place: Cafe People: Sophie, Catherine

△ Maid Job Interview. Reference & agreement.

2/ Time: Evening Place: Family House (Home) People: Catherine family

△ During a mussel dinner. Catherine tell the family about the new maid.

3/ Time: 9am Place: Train Station People: Catherine, Sophie, Jeanne

△ Catherine wait for Sophie. Drive her home. Post-officer Jeanne ask for a lift.

4/ Time: Morning Place: Home People: Catherine, Sophie

△ Home. her room, Catherine show her around the house, then leave.

5/ Time: Evening Place: Home Dinning Rm People: family, Sophie

△ Sophie make the Salad dinner, she eat after the family & clean up.

6/ Time: Morning Place: Town City People: Dad, Sophie

△ Dad drive Sophie to town, to let her make a short-sight glasses. She walk around town. Buy herself a sunglasses instead. Sophie meet Jeanne again in the supermarket, who recommend her nice chocolate, start friendship.

7/ Time: Morning Place: House Front-door People: Dad, Sophie

△ Family away for a trip, bye to Sophie and tell her to order food.

8/ Time: Afternoon Place: Home corridor People: Sophie

△ Cleaning & tidy up the house, delivery boy ring the bell.

9/ Time: Afternoon Place: Home People: Sophie, Jeanne

△ Jeannie come in by the window, give Sophie a postcard send from family, walk around the house.

10/ Time: Morning Place: Home Kitchen People: Sophie, Melinda

△ Family back & leave a notice, Sophie worry & scare, as she can't read, even by the help of a dyslexia book, still fail to read it. Luckily, Melinda pick up from floor & read it out, problem solved.

11/ Time: Sunset Place: Road People: Jeanne, Melinda

△ Jeanne's car got problem on the road, fix & help by Melinda.

12/ Time: Sunset Place: Home Kitchen People: Jeanne, Melinda

△ Melinda at home, want to play the hunting game in forest with dad, dad prepare with hunter gun in kitchen, Sophie's washing dishes & watching.

13/ Time: Afternoon Place: Home > Town People: Sophie, Jeanne

△ Notice (shopping list) on table again, fear. Go to Jeanne, help her to order food.
Promise to pick her up on Sunday, to do volunteer in church.

14/ Time: Sunset Place: Road People: Sophie, Catherine

△ Sophie walking back home with shopping food, Catherine saw her on the way. tell her about Sunday Melinda's birthday party, but she tell Catherine that she need to go church.

15/ Time: Morning Place: Home corridor People: Sophie, Family, guest

△ Kitchen heard about Jeanne had killed her baby in the past. Boyfriend of Melinda come over with present [cassette hi-fi recorder], more & more guest for Melinda's birthday party. Sophie ready some food & drinks. Run away to meet Jeanne, tell Jeanne it's her birthday as well, go church helping second-hand clothes.

16/ Time: Evening Place: Jeanne's flat People: Sophie, Jeanne

△ Potato dinner together, talk about killing people, discover each other's murder history,
sharing experience & laugh on bed.

17/ Time: Afternoon Place: Post-Office People: Dad, Jeanne

△ Dad go to post-office to complain package had been open by some people.

18/ Time: Evening Place: Sitting Room People: Catherine, son, Sophie, Jeanne

△ Catherine watch movie on TV with son, realise Jeanne uptairs with Sophie.

19/ Time: Afternoon Place: kitchen > Sophie Rm People: Sophie, dad

△ Dad call from office, tell Sophie to find a document on his desk, she scare & run upstairs pretend watching TV [loud], ignore the ring bell.

20/ Time: Morning Place: Dad's room People: Sophie, dad

△ Dad at home very angry about yesterday sophie didn't help him , make it clear Jeanne is not allow to visit her in the house.

21/ Time: Afternoon Place: Church People: Sophie, Jeanne & Godfather

△ Sophie & Jeanne go to a few houses to pick up old clothes, they offend the neighbor, Godfather suggest to stop their work.

22/ Time: Afternoon Place: Home People: Sophie, Melinda

△ Drive back, found Melinda's car, Sophie secretly listen to Melinda's conversation with boyfd, know she's pregnant. Melinda realise she can't read, suggest to teach her, but Sophie shock her by blackmail - will tell Melinda's dad if she say so.

△ Family back & see Melinda's crying, dad go upstairs & fired Sohpie for the maid job.

23/ Time: Sunset Place: in the Car People: Sophie, Jeanne

△ Sophie go to tell Jeanne, decide to live together, hungry with no food at home. help move out now.

24/ Time: Evening Place: Home People: Sophie, Jeanne, Family

△ Mozart concert on TV, family time in sitting room, audio tape recording. Dad take TV in Sophie's room to create stereo sound. [Loud classical musc] Sophie & Jeanne come in from the kitchen, taking biscuits & chocolate drinks upstairs, mess around in Catherine's room, break the photo frame, chocolate drinks on bed, ruin the dress, teasing clothes. Down to kitchen again, playing guns, crazy & fun, Sophie know where is the bullets, try on load with 2 guns.

△ Dad is annoyed by their noise, during the concert break, go to kitchen & see. Jeanne shoot him with gun right at the door. Dad died.

△ Catherine & son & daughter still watching the concert on TV, start worry about the noise, Sophie & Jeanne come in, shoot all of them die. Jeanne stop the tape recording, take away the player & leave. Sophie do the clean up, leaving the house.

25/ Time: Midnight Place: Car crash place, outside the house
People: Sophie, Police, Godfather, Ambulance people...

△ At the same time, Jeanne got a car crash & die, by Godfather's car, ambulance come.
Police come as well, they found the cassette player & roll the tape, it's the recording of the Mozart concert,
(end titles come with the replay audio of the last few minutes before the family die) we hear the sound of gun shoot, screaming of family, more gun shoot... story end.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


練習分手               31 Mar 2006           阿珏Damon

I 尋回 
時: 2009年夏
地: 英國 格拉斯頓伯里音樂節 (Glastonbury Festival in U.K.)
人: 阿藍和他的樂隊"茶走", 工作人員 , 女樂迷
[Sound Fade in] 樂隊表演完結, 十多萬觀眾的歡呼聲在期待着安歌/Encore
△ 很多工作人員和樂手們在熱鬧地慶祝, 阿藍卻於一角痛哭, 並不是被成功沖昏了頭腦, 而是從一個不知名的女樂迷送上遺失了差不多三年的結他硬皮箱 , 看來只是一個上面刻着"沒有愛, 請讓我離開"的普通Guitar Case,  但是經女樂迷把裏面的海綿抽出 , 卻刻寫着一封信似的文字, 似乎勾起了某些遺失的記憶…
II 憶刻
時: 2006年夏
地: 香港新蒲崗工廠區 , 一個地下搖滾音樂會
人: 阿藍和他的樂隊, 娜(阿藍女友), 工作人員, 年青樂迷一百多人, 經理人金子
△  娜一邊在為阿藍的結他細心地清理着, 另一邊也盡可能阻止其他人打擾正在閉目靜思的阿藍, 工作人員以手勢示意離樂隊出場的時間尚有十分鐘. 娜只是點了點頭. 今晚和以往的表演有別 , 因為有著名經理人金子聞名而來.
△  經過以往幾個月累績的演出, 漸漸吸引了一班忠死樂迷追隨着 , 他們跟着音樂搖擺, 忘我地舞動身軀.
△  在四十五分鐘澎湃的音樂過後, 他們現場演出的感染力使台上台下仍持續着沉迷的狀態 , 掌聲, 呼喊聲, 還有陶醉得儍笑的金子.
[射燈漸暗, 至全黑]
△  同一時間, 後台傳來驚叫聲 , 工作人員走到阿藍的身後, "緊要事 , 跟我來!"
△  走到後台, 阿藍從門外人羣中窺視到一雙腳, 發現到是娜的皮鞋, 便推開所有人, 看見娜在抱着一個仍流着血的結他皮箱, 阿藍把娜的身推後, 一臉驚慌, 即時用手封着她有如血海的喉嚨, 但為時已晚……
△  "沒有愛, 請讓我離開", 刻在結他皮箱上. 阿藍突然把它擲向窗外, 玻璃四踐, 旁人也頓然被嚇怕, 團員和工作人員立即把他按在地上 , 恐怕再有意外, 此時阿藍瞪着娜被救護人員抬起, 便只好相信她真的離開了.
III 原諒
時: 2009年夏
地: 英國 格拉斯頓伯里音樂節 (Glastonbury Festival in U.K.)
人: 阿藍 和結他皮箱

'請原諒我的離開, 分手不一定是錯.
我的聽覺已從三個月前漸漸失靈了, 很久很久沒有和你對話 ,
也許你還未發覺, 因你已不知不覺愛上了你的結他 ,
每次見你總和他在一起. 使我有點妒忌, 但我仍祝福你 .
我從未試過這樣痛, 每天都見着你 , 卻感到多麽 遠.
害怕不能辨別你的音樂, 恐怕有一天我會忘記你的聲音 ,
讓我現在永遠記着吧…… 娜 '
在箱的內邊他找到另一半的結他線, 這刻 , 阿南感到無言的憤慨, 緊握着這條結他線, 拳頭滴着赤紅的血, 痛在深處 ……